At East Coast Exterior Cleaning, we understand how important the appearance of your business is to your success. An unappealing exterior can turn away potential customers and employees. Our pressure washing experts transform the look of your property. The cleaning solutions we have get rid of dirt, algae, mold, rust, and more. We specialize in commercial pressure washing for clients in Connecticut. Our pressure washing services are efficient, non-toxic, and eco-friendly. In addition, our solutions clean and restore the appeal of stone, brick, concrete, metal, vinyl, and more. We put customers first, and our results speak for themselves. You can count on our team to always be timely, professional, and honest. There are never any hidden fees, and the job isn’t finished until you’re satisfied. Call us now for a free estimate.
At East Coast Exterior Cleaning, customer service is more than a cliché motto to us. Our pressure washing experts treat every property as their own. We can’t wait to see the smile on your face after we finish working on your property. Why wait any longer?
Proudly Serving Conneticut
Phone: (860) 753-2362
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Proudly Serving Conneticut
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